Rainbow Laced Muses

dreams are like the sweet smell
of ambrosia
not like
the bitter of coffee
before her

she sits by the restaurant window

staring at nothing

and seeing everything

perhaps she sees her life
without children
running about

time she doesn’t have and
does not have to give
for life should chord

space and quiet

life should be filled

with writing muses
laced with rainbows

filled with artist

& tools for both
housed in a place


sprinkled with star dust

a place with fields of
wild flowers so
she can commune

with nature
with her

she is lost in her thoughts
as the restaurant
comes to life
around her

with the laughter of



she is reminded that life
hinges on choices
of ambivalence

like her food
turning cold
it is only

within the essence
of the moment

Ā© September 2017 Renee Espriu

This is in response to Jamie Dede’s Wednesday Prompt. Read more at
https://jamiededes.com/2017/09/13/hes-a-tumble-weed-a-poem-and-your-wednesday-writing-prompt. The photo below was taken from Morgue File & digitally altered.

Sweet Ambrosia


16 Replies to “Rainbow Laced Muses”

    1. Thank you for the kind comment, Jamie. I did read the Sunday Announcements but, and perhaps it is because I still do not feel well, did not see anything that jumped out at me. I may just be not really seeing what there is or I am again gun shy after being turned down over and over again. Who knows. Sometimes I am a mystery to myself. Hope your weekend is going well my friend.

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  1. Hi, Renee! I have a post going up on rejections tomorrow, which I’m afraid you’ll think is pointed at you. It’s not. A number of folks have written to me about their concerns. Hope today is a good one for you. You got a comment on the FB post I put up for this Tuesday’s collection. Someone wrote “Renee is a good writer.” I agree.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Jamie, I know there are thousands upon thousands of writers world wide that have the same problem with getting published. I am feeling much better thank you. My little Klaudya shared germs with me and took awhile to really feel myself. Thank you for feeling my writing is worth while. It really isn’t about money, as I know that if I made any, SSI would be cut and I am living off of that. It is simply the idea that other publishers might feel my writing worthy of publication. I hope that makes sense. I have dreamt of it since I was a young girl but not all dreams become reality. I look forward to reading your post.

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  2. That is beautiful Renee… I know the feeling of sitting staring at nothing yet seeing everything my friend.. A wonderful poem.. And that art creation, just beautiful.. And yes, life hinges on Choices for sure..
    Sending LOVE and Hugs my friend and Hope all is well with you and Yours..
    Love Sue xx ā¤

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    1. Doing as well as can be expected. I am 65yrs old now and have always had energy level issues even before surgery. I know if I had the energy of some other people I could do so much more but no worries. I do what I can. I do hope you are doing well and that your new camera is working out for you. It looks as though it is. šŸ˜‰

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