Sweet Layers of Imagination


There are moments I believe
that de’ja’ vu really does exist
when I walk into another world,
an alternate landscape

to escape my obsessed compulsion
crafting a skewed vision filled
with black and white reality

ethereal as stepping on solid clouds
drifting over a technicolor scene
where a yellow brick road
leads to perspicacity
strangely curious

or yet upon closing my eyes
I sleep so deep imagination unfolds
in sweetest layers I inhale
swallowing each one
anxious for
the next

beautiful as pastillage
settling on my tongue
like honey

I see a girl who speaks to trees,
smiling at flowers who
innately knows
her secrets

and where the eyes of animals
reflect her soul
back to her in
infinite profusions
of color

painting details like the spices
completing ingredients
in foods from everywhere
smelling of a full life
in every inhaled

where upon touching a mirror
she steps through liquid mercury
pure as water chaste
before rigidity touches
her image
with age

yet these images might be to me
only lucid as a million stars
in the night sky where
Zeus holds court

only quick
in twilight hours
before I wake

© June 2018 Renee Espriu

Goblins, Witches & Ghouls

Every year at Halloween
excitement filled the air
and children waited
on bated breath

to be goblins, witches,
hoboes and clowns
be become something
of a magical flare

where two streets over
lived a witch to bate them
her house decorated
with pumpkins and ghouls

but who could resist the
table laid before them
with all manner of sweet things
to cause you to drool

© October 2017 Renee Espriu

This is in response to Jamie Dede’s Wednesday Writing Prompt. Read more at https://jamiededes.com/2017/10/25/twas-all-hallows-eve-a-poem-and-your-wednesday-writing-prompt. The art piece below is my own done in mixed media
of watercolor, colored pencil and acrylic.

Goblins and Ghouls

***Eclipsing Rainbows***

There are moments of clarity drenched in a soul’s peace
where everything is an eclipse of brilliant rainbows
and becoming is like being mirrored images in lakes
where coral reefs are arms cradling infinite oceans
whereupon mountain rising islands are pristine views
touched only by Galapagos creatures of uniqueness

entering into a communion devoid of ritualistic cups
and eyesight becomes like those raptors’ rapturous quest
to make the flight over the highest of mountain ranges
like child’s play when there is a vision to fly along
and wings are the freedom of song birds a narrative song
in chorus with insects accompanied by frogs croaking

perceiving the world in a field of flowers engaging in
the mystery of becoming seeds under dark brown earth
and pushing up toward the brilliance of mother sun to
sprout into every conceivable bloom with stamen covered
with the sweetest of nectar drawing hummingbirds for
their respite and insects unknowing a pollination of life

© May 2017 Renee Espriu

This is in response to Jamie Dedes’s Wednesday Prompt at https://jamiededes.com/2017/05/03/soul-as-incorruptible-as-stone-a-poem-and-your-wednesday-writing-prompt. The photo below was taken from the Morgue file and digitized by myself.

Eclipsing Rainbows


Photo Taken From Morgue File & Digitized by Myself


tartness wrapped apple
sweet sticky caramel
cloak of peanuts

This is for 30doh hosted by Rick Daddario. See his site http://rickdaddario.com/blog/ for more information if you are interested to join in.

***Sweet & Soft as The Wild Rose***

the night plys me
as the wild rose
bittersweet & soft

touching tender
upon my soul
to pull the words

to lay them gently
upon the page
no longer a mirage

a desert vast expanse
a dry parched
languid breath

it touches me
transformed and cool
a night breeze
to which i now dance

© September 2014
Renee Espriu

Image Taken From Morgue File and Digitized by Myself

Wild Rose

Babe in Arms

i drove the highway the
distance it takes to
arrive there past all
the strip malls

traffic lights stopping
red or not, giving way
to thoughts of her

carrying her in my arms
across the living room
“shush, shush, don’t you
cry” singing soft a

lullaby bouncing her
dancing as my eyes try
to close after

working the night shift
i had a bit of nap before
he dropped her off so
mom could work her job

all in a flash as i drive
the highway there
thinking of the past of
all the other years

i pull into the driveway
i wait for her to come
down the stairs and
when she does…

the tiny infant has a
bounce beneath her
step with holes
torn in her shorts

as the fashion is for
young and layered
tops and long dark
hair she tilts

her head and smiles
where a baby use to
cry in my arms

it is time to go out
shopping and spend
time for in all the years
that have come and

she is still my sweet
babe in arms
my granddaughter grown
our bond remains

© August 2012 Renee Espriu