Life Yawning Wide

Time stands still once more in the wake of change
in the midst of flowers touching the surface even as they
lie in the earth breaching, yearning to breathe the air

Feel the trembling leaves vibrate a rustling leaf song
layers of green penetrating the sky, never the clouds
puzzle pieces form a life yawning wide, incomplete

Each puzzle piece has unto its own another puzzle
the frantic search to be free, taking flight with wings
untethered as an eagle gliding on air currents

Sees the world with the clarity of vision, of knowing
freedom is fragile, beyond the grasp of recognition
a fleeting memory held within as in a vague dream

© Reneé Espriu

Image Is My Own Digitally Altered

Shadows of Hidden Things

A tiny clay mushroom glazed
And fired to reveal a forager

Apples left for Does, Bucks
Uneaten except for the bees
That swarm

Black crickets chirping
The sound slicing through
The night silence

The lone black and white cat
Flees for a safe refuge
His hunting forgotten

The river current time changes
As the coyotes respond in kind

© Reneé Espriu

Photo is my own digitized as art


Beginnings sounding of arid days with days too many
of sweltering sun, searching for shade, waiting for night
and the coolness setting in softly touching skin in relief

where stepping lightly on asphalt cushioned the burn
until calloused feet screamed less wanting ever only
to walk the sands of beaches and to soak in a saltwater
ocean and close eyes to the brilliance and drift away

to step in life’s millions and millions of footprints
each made with tenuous and anxious anticipation
hands always reaching out trying to touch the future
new beginnings are filled with Nature’s pine and fir

each day more precious than the day before the one
woke up to where quiet is profound in whisperings
and the boughs of trees tremble as the wind touches
each leaf to the tiniest pine needle shouting a presence

that only ever rivals the ocean waves distantly breaking
upon the ocean shores you once trod in the beginning
but never truly the beginning of where those footprints
would lead to another place and new shores not distant

where dreaming in another star filled night only shines
a light on memories old and new that are your life
woven together upon land and sea beginnings

© Reneé Espriu

Photo is My Own Digitized As Art

The Visitors

First the girls came by in their search for food
on the cusp of Winter and Spring treading close
but wary of every nuance of movement
every wisp of a blade of grass bent in the air

they came every day while the sun lay low
in a sky where days still short spoke of sunsets
filled with color but at times rift with storms
eager for apples filled with tasty, sweet juice

sadness came as their search for food was replaced
with the need to find shelter to birth new life
each day as dusk neared waiting, watching for them
to arrive and feel safe enough to meander and eat

but then the boys came, new visitors bold and sure
youth giving them bravado in knowing there would be
juicy, sweet apples for them as they knew this place
they had been here before the girls took a breath

the wilderness of Nature had given them a connection
a mother who had brought them looking for more
who then brought their sisters who would with caution
taste the sweetness of the gift of apples given them

Photo Taken by Myself and Digitized as Art

© Renee Espriu

Brilliant Stars

The evening sky’s light dims as night approaches
while the silhouettes of mountains and trees
hover as giants lining the distant horizon
all creating the initiation of wonder

as the painted palette of life dulls to grays and blacks
stretching out alongside a winding road
as seen through the windows of a car
two brilliant stars appear to follow

while the road twists and turns they like magnets
draw attention to quiet stillness and light years
become closer than a planet’s nightly orbit
for Venus and Jupiter shine as beacons
within the mystery of the universe

© Reneé Espriu

Photo Taken From Public Domain Pictures & Digitized As Art

The Spiritual Heart

The turmoil of this world will not diminish
the beauty of the earth we call Gaia
nor will it dampen the spiritual heart

though the fear of the unknown harbors
doubts, remorse and pain the sun will rise
to reveal clarity of what is tangible

Image Taken From Public Domain Photos & Digitized As Art

February’s Weariness of Winter


The snow is relentless while the wind plays

a relentless tug of war amongst the pine boughs

and the lichen still weighs heavy on the naked

branches of a Winter tree sleeping soundly


for no one is waking, no colors calling time out

in the midst of gray, overcast skies devoid of blue

there is no music from the chorus of songbirds

no not even the noisy caws of blackbirds annoy


there is no restlessness except in one’s heart

where no golden hued rays of sun penetrate

only whispers of sullen notes of music not played

the darkest of which are sly demons before dawn

© Reneé Espriu

Image is My Photo


Life imitates dreamscapes not defined within illusion
fleeting images of happiness only written in a song
where you tumble freely like Alice in the rabbit hole
grasping at the path that will carry you along

in colors brilliant that set you apart from the crowd
carrying you light hearted past lyrics more than song
where sun and moon shines a landing upon a billowy cloud
footsteps now inside your dream for life has come along

Photo Is My Own Digitized

An Oasis And A Memory

A distant not long walk along a winding drive
lined with trees green, lush, colors vibrant
change is carried on the wind as each leaf falls
their singing heard in their rustling unison

awaiting a long sleep, noiseless, resting on ground
now littered with birch, alder, madrone and maple
greeting with a silent sigh a wall of colors colliding
melding with moss now a roof for insects beneath

on an island oasis of tranquility, calm and peace
a refuge shadowing a memory of a desert landscape
devoid of the beauties of vegetation though birds
take flight over both as life is wont in doing

© Reneé Espriu

The Image Is My Photo Created As Art

Changes of A Beating Heart

Waking from a soundless, dreamless sleep
with only a ticking of a heart still beating
a new valve seven years young and still
urging its’ recipient forward a moment more
toward one more day on a well tread path

crickets chirping in a heat clandestine
unknowing if Fall leaves denote a changing
until night turns all into blackness and cold
brings down a dark velvet curtain quietly
waiting to take center stage a new beauty

where in the distance a train faintly heard
a rumble of a giant it’s metal wheels screeching
along heavy metal tracks as it approaches closer
a whistle increases as it signals its’ movement
closing the distance, announcing its’ presence

changes always distant yet closer than they seem
a ticking heart broaching an unknown surface
turbulence increasing in colors bracken unclear
still seeing in the distance reds, yellows, oranges
counting with each tick of the heart another day

© Renee Espriu

Above Image Taken From Public Domain Pictures & Created As Art