Brilliant Stars

The evening sky’s light dims as night approaches
while the silhouettes of mountains and trees
hover as giants lining the distant horizon
all creating the initiation of wonder

as the painted palette of life dulls to grays and blacks
stretching out alongside a winding road
as seen through the windows of a car
two brilliant stars appear to follow

while the road twists and turns they like magnets
draw attention to quiet stillness and light years
become closer than a planet’s nightly orbit
for Venus and Jupiter shine as beacons
within the mystery of the universe

© Reneé Espriu

Photo Taken From Public Domain Pictures & Digitized As Art

The Mystery of Words

There can be a tempest within my soul
on days where I’m unable to see the light
from a sun that is surely bathing me
in the heated glow of its’ rays

yet there are those days when the rays
of brilliance from that same sun radiate
through me and fill the day with bird song

song that touches every living creature’s
being with two legs to four legs to none
for even the tree feels the vibrations
in trunks, branches and fluttering leaves

leaving me in awe of it all, of the mystery
of the unnoticed brilliance of communication
the musical enhanced scores all around us

those are the days I again recall the words
whose magic enables me to speak from my heart
where the wordsmith rises again within my soul
a mystery e’er but the ocean tempest is stilled

© August 2021 Renee Espriu
Photo Taken From Public Domain Pictures & Created As Art

The Sky So Close

This evening when I took my dog out I stood in awe
as I have done very few times in my life while looking at the sky
the clouds of gray and white as the sun broke through
I have felt this before but so rarely
I felt as though I could touch the very blue of the sky
as though it was so close it became more solid before me
instead of part of the Universe that surrounds me
the clouds felt the same as though they were so very close
I might touch them and feel the mass of them
even though they drifted about me and did not stay still

there may be one who causes everything in life
to look more beautiful than it has ever felt before
when I was a very young girl before everything changed
I might have looked at Nature in such a way
in wonderment of its very being
but now, incredulous as it may seem and it does
my world is as beautiful to me as when I was a girl
a world that holds me in awe and I am entranced
by the mystery of it, the magic of it
and life now begins anew

© March 2021 Renee Espriu

Image Taken From Public Domain Photos & Created As Art

Magic and a Mystery

The rusted tool chest on wheels now
a silent reminder of childhood wonder
when in mystery it did appear as

the night spread before us and sleep
a distant presence wrapped
in the excitement of holiday magic

we were sent to bed you and I
to await the morning’s sunrise
but I was vigilant and
so were you

as I listened to laughter seeping
beneath the door I smelled the
familiar scent of cigarette smoke

from the neighbor who often was seen
visiting but it was late at night….and

I knew something or someone was about
as I saw you quietly push the door
to opening

I wanted to know if the gossip was true
that there was no Santa or St Nicholas
who would magically appear for
wishes come true

as we peeked carefully into the living room
it was mother who busied herself there
with the wonder of
holiday gifts
and fare

a shiny red tool box on wheels she moved
beside the tree as she smiled
with care

© October 2017 Renee Espriu

This is in response to Jamie Dede’s Wednesday Writing Prompt. Read more at The photo below was taken from the Morgue File and digitally altered by myself.

Mystery of Magic


****Sunday’s Child Suspended****

sunday’s child suspended
in balanced dreams
is the illusion of time
made of silk threads
strong as dovetailed beams

you see in re-claimed jars
through his eyes untold
tiger striped garden spiders
beauty of captured bees
lifes’ mystery doth unfold

sunday’s child suspended
a cocoon created of time
silk threads weaving a life
unique, tempered and bold
a blended pattern that shines

© December 2013
Renee Espriu

Colored Silk

Image by Mary Corbet

I have five adult children and many grandchildren but of my five, only one was born on a Sunday and my life’s love and challenge. They are all special in their own ways but Nathan is my Sunday child.

Between Midnight and Dawn

phantom images between
midnight and dawn
collect in moonlit
 rooms reflecting naught
but seamless pathways
sewn within the mystery
that fades but never
really is gone until
another day doth cease
we again shall stray
in phantom images between
midnight and the dawn

© July 2012 Renee Espriu