
elemental as fire and ice
my soul within me                               
gives rise to crimson
ashen lithe but strong
to cool as rivers swift
and strong allowing my
Spirit to rise in song



© September 2012 Renee Espriu


6 Replies to “Elemental”

  1. Thanks so much Bren for your encouragment. My awful chronic fatigue really waylays me at times and I’m so not someone who wants to just sit around. I am a doer and if anything not having energy is an irritation at times. But my life is good and I’ve worked around it for years so I’m not stopping now. Feeling better now the heat is gone, even though I quite like sunny weather.


    1. Thanks Gayle for all of your wonderful comments. I have been a bit discouraged, simply because during the heat we did have…not nearly as much as the rest of the US…I became very fatigued and could not get to my site as much and hence, when you don’t, you don’t have anyone coming. I don’t complain about my health problems as I’ve always had them, chonic fatigue is one, but when I can’t do what I love to do…well, you get the idea. I love to write and the blogging arena has opened up doors for me in a way so want to keep doing it as much as I can. You are appreciated.


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