Shadows of Hidden Things

A tiny clay mushroom glazed
And fired to reveal a forager

Apples left for Does, Bucks
Uneaten except for the bees
That swarm

Black crickets chirping
The sound slicing through
The night silence

The lone black and white cat
Flees for a safe refuge
His hunting forgotten

The river current time changes
As the coyotes respond in kind

© Reneé Espriu

Photo is my own digitized as art

An Infinity of Stars Woven

Within the landscape of time are
the shadows of war residing
casting doubts of fear
over hope filled integrity

for if I could but ease the pain
& erase the memory of horror
that slices through hearts
once laden with joy
I would

but there will always be those
who seek righteousness loaded
with weapons of destruction
their efforts devoid
of compassion

and soldiers who participate
on the battlefields of wars
whether at home or across seas
will carry scars always

and if it were possible within
me as a wordsmith to pen a poem
of salve and healing
I would

so that children may once again play
on peaceful soil under watchful eyes
of mothers and fathers
who can rest assured
of a tomorrow

filled with the spirit of love
& that fireworks will be celebration
& not the deafening voices
of bombs falling

for my soul cannot rest within me
until the vision of the universe
is the essence of peace shining
like an infinity of stars

the threads of woven fabric
like none that has ever been made
containing naught of the shadows of war
but a humanity of peacemakers
the gardeners sowing
seeds for the

© August 2017 Renee Espriu

This is in response to Jamie Dedes’s Wednesday Prompt. Please read more poets responses at The photo below was taken from the Morgue File and digitally altered by myself.

Field of Peacemakers

A Capricious Magician

in ‘nature’ is she
dropping hints
with sun rays
peaking out

apparitions held
as fading shadows

and the next moment
a downpour of
rain filling gutters
a deluge

a disappearing act
slight of hand
the earth drying
cracks in

a capricious magician
prone to laughter
a comic relief
across a stage
of her own

© July 2017 Renee Espriu

This is in response to Jamie Dede’s Wednesday Prompt. Read more at The photo below was taken from the Morgue File and digitally altered by myself.


******The Touch of Laughter******

tumultuous came the winter
undecided it made its’ retreat
the sun hidden in grey dark corners
such as the time you left me

you tried to return to my side
sitting within breath so shallow
your warmth cooled as by glacier snow
solidity of form now but shadow

my ear touched upon your laughter
a cool breeze then touched my skin
you would be with me as always
to hold as part of my heart within

© March 2014
Renee Espriu

Heart Within

Image Taken From Morgue File

My brother died many years ago now but the one thing that has never left me is the sound of his laughter.  I cannot say how but I remember the sound of it as though it were yesterday and he is sharing that part of himself with me.

*******My Muse Hides********

my muse hides
in pearl drops of ink
waiting to make a splash
turning into
an indelible mark
solidifying thought

but she casts no shadow
running down
the window pane
now becoming
rivulets of tears
pools of pain

to which I bring her
within my grasp
once more
pooling each tear
each pearl drop
in solidified thought

© February 2014
Renee Espriu

Rain Drops

Image Taken From Morgue File

She Never Told Me

she never told me
who she was
attaching herself
to me as calmly as a
shroud, a winding sheet

nudging me ever so
slightly like a shadow
ever-present even
after the sun
diminishes in the sky

she never told me why
her hair was short
whilst mine was
braided long with
ribbons twisted in
colored fashion

my body captured in
dresses and hers
a bit of shorts and
summer shirt bare
feet running past

my own in shiny black
leather reaching for
conformity, acceptance,
approval but sadness
overwhelming as i

looked back to see her
smile to beckon me
closer to not look
back at life come
lately heartless
without forgiveness

she never told me
who she was as i
took her hand in mine
holding tightly we
twirled dancing
free,  cutting

loose the winding sheet
collecting our shadow
unto ourself as we
sped toward loving

who we had to become
she never told me
who she was
she did not have to
for she was me

© May 2012 Renee Espriu

Freedom’s Muse

She remembers freedom
like a forest trail
following her

tree branches tender
showing her
heart’s desire as
budding leaves
green but
not with envy

her muse following
not as a shadow
but as one
privy to life’s

wound ’round about
as vines clinging
to tree trunks
laden but with
no regrets

dancing on fallen
a gift of her

© January 2012
Renee Espriu