An Oasis And A Memory

A distant not long walk along a winding drive
lined with trees green, lush, colors vibrant
change is carried on the wind as each leaf falls
their singing heard in their rustling unison

awaiting a long sleep, noiseless, resting on ground
now littered with birch, alder, madrone and maple
greeting with a silent sigh a wall of colors colliding
melding with moss now a roof for insects beneath

on an island oasis of tranquility, calm and peace
a refuge shadowing a memory of a desert landscape
devoid of the beauties of vegetation though birds
take flight over both as life is wont in doing

© Reneé Espriu

The Image Is My Photo Created As Art

***Pebbles In Sand***

She walked down a solitary path
left behind her mistakes made
like pebbles in sand dissolving

she drove a car into the night
along a desert highway

until all she could see were stars
twinkling jewels of light

she plucked pearls of wisdom
caught upon her hand from the wind

no one would miss her absence
life would resume without stopping
her choices a dissipating mist

this as she stood outside a house
realizing another day beginning

her children broke the silence

© April 2017 Renee Espriu

This is in response to Jamie Dedes’ Wednesday writing prompt. You can read more at The Image below was taken from Morgue file and digitized by myself.

Pebbles in the Sand