Shadows of Hidden Things

A tiny clay mushroom glazed
And fired to reveal a forager

Apples left for Does, Bucks
Uneaten except for the bees
That swarm

Black crickets chirping
The sound slicing through
The night silence

The lone black and white cat
Flees for a safe refuge
His hunting forgotten

The river current time changes
As the coyotes respond in kind

© Reneé Espriu

Photo is my own digitized as art

The Visitors

First the girls came by in their search for food
on the cusp of Winter and Spring treading close
but wary of every nuance of movement
every wisp of a blade of grass bent in the air

they came every day while the sun lay low
in a sky where days still short spoke of sunsets
filled with color but at times rift with storms
eager for apples filled with tasty, sweet juice

sadness came as their search for food was replaced
with the need to find shelter to birth new life
each day as dusk neared waiting, watching for them
to arrive and feel safe enough to meander and eat

but then the boys came, new visitors bold and sure
youth giving them bravado in knowing there would be
juicy, sweet apples for them as they knew this place
they had been here before the girls took a breath

the wilderness of Nature had given them a connection
a mother who had brought them looking for more
who then brought their sisters who would with caution
taste the sweetness of the gift of apples given them

Photo Taken by Myself and Digitized as Art

© Renee Espriu

“Oranges and Apples”

A mother is what she needed
not a friend that played
jacks, marbles and jump rope

where she was left
to her own devices of
making mischief
with her brother

or watching a locomotive
barrel down steel tracks
to crush a penny
newly set
upon them

but her mother an only child
longed for siblings
for playmates
to fill
a yearning

so even as she needed
wanted a mother
oranges and apples
would not mix

yet her mother turned flour sacks
into underclothes and slips
for her sewn dresses
to lie upon

her mother cooked food
laden with the aromas
of love

pies trimmed in the lace
of gold brown crust
even when money
was a

she would surmise in life
that mothers do the best
with what life
gives them

© September 2018 Renee Espriu

Photo Taken From Public Domain Pictures and Created As Art

Oranges and Apples