An Oasis And A Memory

A distant not long walk along a winding drive
lined with trees green, lush, colors vibrant
change is carried on the wind as each leaf falls
their singing heard in their rustling unison

awaiting a long sleep, noiseless, resting on ground
now littered with birch, alder, madrone and maple
greeting with a silent sigh a wall of colors colliding
melding with moss now a roof for insects beneath

on an island oasis of tranquility, calm and peace
a refuge shadowing a memory of a desert landscape
devoid of the beauties of vegetation though birds
take flight over both as life is wont in doing

© Reneé Espriu

The Image Is My Photo Created As Art

Changes of A Beating Heart

Waking from a soundless, dreamless sleep
with only a ticking of a heart still beating
a new valve seven years young and still
urging its’ recipient forward a moment more
toward one more day on a well tread path

crickets chirping in a heat clandestine
unknowing if Fall leaves denote a changing
until night turns all into blackness and cold
brings down a dark velvet curtain quietly
waiting to take center stage a new beauty

where in the distance a train faintly heard
a rumble of a giant it’s metal wheels screeching
along heavy metal tracks as it approaches closer
a whistle increases as it signals its’ movement
closing the distance, announcing its’ presence

changes always distant yet closer than they seem
a ticking heart broaching an unknown surface
turbulence increasing in colors bracken unclear
still seeing in the distance reds, yellows, oranges
counting with each tick of the heart another day

© Renee Espriu

Above Image Taken From Public Domain Pictures & Created As Art